
Marcel Milučký

Operating director
+421 907 725 424

Published: 22. 03. 2019

This system was purchasec to optimize welding work. The basis of the kit are welding tables, to which a number of universal elements are connected with special fastening pins. This creates a unique unit, which can be used in welding process. Thanks to their surface parameters, the tables have high resistance to corrosion and impacts, keeping their geometry for a long time. Those characteristics have positive effect on quality of our products.

The tables have horizontal and vertical drilled holes so they can be connected to each other or extended with other elements of the kit.

Thanks to the chemical-thermic method of plasmitriding, the surface is very resistant to wear, corrosion and has a longer equipment life. The clamping force of the pins is higher, the capacity of the table is increases by 20 up to 30% and the equipment life of the table is doubled.